Ensure cost-effective energy management

Your organisation has to combat rising utility prices and increased energy legislation – and doing this successfully requires effective energy management. Your business should be focusing on how much energy you are using, rather than the unit cost of the energy you use.

Increasing your business’s energy efficiency requires:

  • Utility metering, monitoring and targeting
  • Accurate measurement of energy usage
  • Analysis of how energy usage can be improved

You can contact My Energy Consultants for help with all of these areas.

Reduce waste and make savings

Your business needs to use energy smartly – and My Energy Consultants can provide the energy management technology to make that possible.

When you use low-cost wireless hardware, you can gather meaningful energy data in real time throughout your business. This data could your company’s levels of:

  • Temperature
  • Lighting
  • Humidity
  • CO2
  • Occupancy

This technology is used to more closely monitor environmental conditions and energy consumption.

Understand how energy is being used

You will receive a clear understanding of how gas and electricity is being when working with us. This will include details on how it is being used by day, by night, and by area.

My Energy Consultants can:

  • Validate energy usage and cross-check it with billing data
  • Highlight any variance
  • Configure alarms and alerts
  • Create sophisticated management reports
  • Add controllers which are time-based, temperature and occupancy driven.
  • Reduce energy waste and make savings

Your company’s energy usage will then be monitored through a single real-time software portal.

And what’s more, the business energy management solution we propose is fully compatible with your existing BeMS and HVAC systems. Installation is simple and the disruption to your business negligible. You will benefit from a complete end-to-end solution.

For business energy management, get in touch with My Energy Consultants.  Call 0203 488 3000 or email info@myenergyconsultants.co.uk